As many people know, Uber is more than taxis. It’s about changing the way we engage transportation. Once a platform (with resources) has your trust there are many places they can take you, literally in the case of Uber. I got my first email about UberCHOPPER today and the title of the email was great “LA to Coachella in under an hour”.
Once a platform (with resources) has your trust there are many places they can take you, literally in the case of Uber. I got my first email about UberCHOPPER today and the title of the email was great “LA to Coachella in under an hour”. Now I can “Uber” up my own helicopter flight and I’m sure in the future this will extend to self-driving cars, etc.
Being a part of a platform – or creating one – is critical in business today. They are re-inventing, uniting and disrupting industries. Glad to be a part of one in PeopleLoop.